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media kit


words | pictures


The media kit provides print resolution pictures and print friendly documents which have larger files sizes, and may take longer to download.

Most of the information in the media kit can be found throughout the cloudstreet website. A good starting point for information, including our preferred programme blurb, is our bios and reviews page.


You will need the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the pdf versions of our promo kit text.









our promo kit - link

(PDF - 160KB)

A general overview of cloudstreet, giving brief biographical material and a history of the duo, as well as some brief extracts from past reviews


A paragraph for your programme - link


Nicole's bio - link

The Nicole Murray story.


John's bio - link

All about John.


reviews - link

What other people have said.





Cloudstreet images

Images are available in 300 dpi for printing purposes. Please contact us if you require further images or experience any problems with these links.

Cloudstreet (colour)
300dpi 1.2MB

Cloudstreet (black and white)
300dpi 750k

Stagelights (colour)
300dpi 851k

The Big Leap (colour)
300dpi 1.2MB










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